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What I Read in July & August 2021

Writer: averyapprovedaveryapproved

Another two months of not reading so much! But that's okay because it's been a busyyyyy summer with bridal showers, vacations, and wedding planning. My brain space has been filled with so many other fun things that reading has just taken a back seat. I included one book I'm currently reading in this stack, because why not? It's definitely cute so far!


Genre: Literary Fiction

My Reviews: Goodreads, Instagram

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Format: E-book

Quick Synopsis: Rosie and Penn always try to do what they think is best for their children. But the scary part is sometimes they don't know, especially when it comes to their youngest son, Claude, who prefers to play with dresses and dolls and dreams of being a princess.

Quick Review: This Is How it Always Is was so raw and emotional. It's a novel about change and the unknown, secrets and safekeeping, family and happily ever afters. But what stood out to me was the people. This is not only the story of one child, but also the parents, siblings, and friends that come along with them.

Who should read this: Anyone who is a parent. Anyone who wants a non-traditional LGBTQ+ story. Anyone who prefer their fairy tales with a dose of realness.


Genre: Thriller Prequel

My Reviews: Goodreads, Instagram

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Format: Audiobook

Quick Synopsis: Some women get everything. Some women get everything they deserve. Meet Amber Patterson, whose seven deadly sins include envy, envy, envy, envy, envy, envy, and envy. She wants a life of wealth and will stop at nothing to get it.

Quick Review: Oh Amber, I forgot how much I missed you! Amber is the villain we all need. Determined to get everything she never had, no matter what cost. At only 2.5 hours, this little Audible original is perfect for a short commute or a quick palate cleanser between books. This is a prequel to The Last Mrs. Parrish and an Audible Original.

Who should read this: Anyone who read The Last Mrs. Parrish. Anyone looking for a quick palette cleanser. Anyone who is going on a 2.5 hour road trip.


Genre: Literary Fiction, Magical Realism

My Reviews: Goodreads, Instagram

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Format: Audiobook

Quick Synopsis: When an old friend calls her with a mysterious request, Lillian has no qualms about leaving her dead-end life at home. The job? Being a live-in nanny for Bessie and Roland, a political hopeful’s twin children who also happen to spontaneously combust when agitated.

Quick Review: Yes, you heard that right. Nothing to See Here is a surprisingly very human take on a very unrealistic human condition. I think I was expecting a bigger more fantastical story line, but somehow the author makes taking the twins to the library to write school reports feel like a covert operation. Remember, act normal, nothing to see here. Filled with raw emotion, quirky kids, and big flames, Lillian, Bessie, and Roland are sure to win you over.

Who should read this: Anyone who thinks they don't like magical realism. Anyone who loves indie movies. Anyone looking for a unique story.


Genre: Romance

Format: Audiobook

Quick Synopsis: Fake Dating + Florida Keys = Island Affair.

What I Think So Far: This is cute so far - fake dating at its finest. I like how the book is focusing on Sarah's relationship with her siblings, as that's not always something we see as a tension point in books. Luis is oh so charming! If you like book series, this one has a second book called Anchored Hearts which I'm planning to read as well!


What's on deck for the next two months?

I usually list what books I plan to read in the coming months here, but no list today! I'm getting married so soon and reading is on the back burner!


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