Earlier this spring, I got my hands on the new Half Baked Harvest cookbook - Half Baked Harvest Every Day - isn’t she a beauty? I’ve been obsessed with her recipes the last two years, so many easy and accessible recipes that make vibrant and tasty meals. When Tieghan announced she was visiting DC on a cookbook tour, I immediately grabbed a ticket and a signed book.
Tieghan's recipes are always so accessible (we love pantry staples), and fresh (full of fresh herbs and produce). I've mentioned this about her other two cookbooks, but I love that she includes photos for every recipe in her books, one because all her recipes end up GORGEOUS and two because we all get annoyed with recipes that lack photo instructions.
I'm excited to #CookTheBook and make so many more recipes in this book - she really sold her roasted banana bread at the book talk… and I don’t even like banana bread. Can’t wait to try out more recipes from her!
If you want more Half Baked Harvest, check out my previous #CookTheBook posts from her two other cookbooks, here, here, and here.

Sweet Potato Pierogi
As someone who has never eaten a pierogi before, this sweet potato and whole wheat version was interesting to say the least! They were a fun project for a lazy Sunday dinner - roasting and mashing sweet potato, making and rolling out the dough into circles, and then assembling and boiling the folded pierogi. I'm not sure how I felt about this one, but I'm weird with textures and pastas, so it could just be a me-problem. I'd be interested in trying a more traditional recipe to compare. One thing that I do like about this recipe is that they're freezer friendly! You can freeze the assembled pierogi, and then when you're ready to eat, no need to thaw, just boil them an extra few minutes.

Cashew Butter Chicken
While this recipe didn't photograph well, this was my favorite recipe of the bunch. The cashew butter really adds a deep flavor, and the toasted cashews really added a much needed crunch - so don't skip out on those! This recipe was also spicier than it looks, which is never a bad thing in my book!
Nonnie's Sticky Apricot Chicken
Now this was as easy as it gets. Just toss everything in an oven-safe pan, add the chicken and veggie of choice, and bake! Perfect for those busy weeknights. Really not too much more to say!

Malted Milk Cookie Dough Cups
While these aren't specifically supposed to be a dupe for peanut butter cups, I did make these for a friend who can't eat peanut butter. I think these are a good alternative, but they didn't quite taste as good as I had hoped. They weren't very sweet, and didn't have that rich flavor that cookie dough has. If you want a "healthier" alternative to cookie dough, or can't have peanut butter, then you may like these, but I think I'd prefer a regular edible cookie dough or the filling of my peanut butter cups.